Unfortunately, my day at CS Huayapam was very uneventful. The doctor wasn’t feeling good, so he refused to let us observe his consultations. Therefore, we spent the entire day helping the nurses. I would check the patient’s weight and height and then take their blood pressure. I went through this process with about 8 patients and then there was nothing else to do. Although all these tasks are good practice and I was happy to help, I was hoping to learn more about medicine and observe the doctor-patient interaction.    
My next day at CS Huayapam was similar to the day before. After performing a few blood pressures, my partner and I decided to follow the dentist so we would at least see something different. Although I am not interested in dentistry, it was interesting to see the differences between Mexico and the US. Again, I felt like the technology was hindering the care that is seen in the US. Most patients have to go without anesthetics and the tooth filling is the old metal filling that isn’t seen in the US anymore. The experience was interesting and it was very nice of the dentist to allow us to watch.  
The doctor again refused to let us observe his consultations, but my partner and I were determined to get the most of our experience. We started off the day helping the nurses again and I taught my partner how to check a patient’s blood pressure. Next, we asked the psychologists if we could observe one of her consultations. She let us observe as she helped a patient who was having issues with her Opportunidades. After the consultation the doctor explained to us that the most important part about being a psychologist is to listen to the patient. Then the psychologist told us that they often have to try giving the patient another perspective of the situation. Another thing she told us, which is similar in the US, is that most psychological issues can be traced back to some parental problems as a child. We made the best of the experience, but I am looking forward to getting back into medicine at next weeks clinic.    

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